Basic Metaphysical Science / Spiritual Philosophy Degree

A Metaphysics Doctoral Degree Will Aid Your Life and Career in Many Ways 

Accelerated Metaphysics PhD Degree Program 

Get your degree in Metaphysical HypnosisDoctoral Metaphysics PhD Degree Program. Metaphysics degrees. Metaphysical degrees.The Metaphysical Science or Spiritual Philosophy degree is excellent for students who desire to write books, do training or speaking, or are simply interested in a general metaphysics degree.

This basic doctoral degree program includes the doctoral degree only. It does not include a bachelor's or master's degree. You do not need a previous bachelor's or master's degree to enroll in this program.

This basic doctoral degree requires 8 pre-determined courses and no electives. The Doctoral Program is also included. You have your choice of the Metaphysical Science or Spiritual Philosophy specialization. You are also able to add additional courses to your program if you wish by contacting Admin.

Students are also free to return and add more courses for a standard or expanded degree which can include several certifications, depending on the specific specialization. You can also upgrade to the standard or expanded program (which include all three degrees) at any time during your studies.

Primary Doctoral Degree is: (will be printed on your Doctoral diploma)

Doctor of Metaphysical Humanistic Science

Specializing in: (Choose one)

Metaphysical Science MHs.D or PhD

Spiritual Philosophy MHs.D or PhD

Basic Doctoral Degree Required Courses

Eight courses are required. For the Doctoral degree, the Doctoral Degree Assignment is required. It consists of 10 questions related to what you learned and how you grew through the program. It is our version of a dissertation. The courses below have been pre-determined for this specific degree. More information about each course is provided on the Course Descriptions page or the IMHS Catalog. Students are also free to take additional courses beyond the 8 required to graduate if desired. Additional courses are available at the regular course tuition rate of $100 per course.

  1. MHs.B1: The Nature of Metaphysics

  2. MHs.B2: Metaphysical Self-Mastery

  3. MHs.B3: Metaphysical Intercommunication

  4. MHs.B4: Metaphysical Principles of Enhanced Relationships

  5. MHs.B5: Metaphysical Critical Thinking and Self-Direction

  6. MHs.M2-1: Advanced Metaphysical Concepts Course 1

  7. MHs.M2-2: Advanced Metaphysical Concepts Course 2

  8. MHs.M3: Metaphysical Psychology

  • MHs.D1: Doctoral Degree Assignment (review of what you learned in the program)
