Expanded Paranormal Leadership

A Metaphysics Doctoral Degree Will Aid Your Life and Career in Many Ways

Expanded Accelerated Metaphysics PhD Degree Program 


Doctoral Metaphysics PhD Degree Program. Metaphysics degrees. Metaphysical degrees.Despite the general critical opinion of paranormal research among the scientific community, paranormal science is perhaps among the noblest of callings because it directly impacts the human condition more than most other fields of study. Paranormal research has the potential to make life-changing discoveries about human existence, extraterrestrial life, and our place in the Cosmos. For example, proof of life after death and/or proof that we are not alone in the universe would be the greatest discoveries of all time and have immense meaning for our lives. Paranormal research involves nearly all metaphysical concepts.

Get your metaphysical degree in Paranormal LeadershipThis expanded degree program dives deep into all aspects of paranormal research, parapsychology, Ufology, and Cryptozoology giving students a broad base of knowledge so students are cross-trained in investigating all aspects of the mysteries of our world and universe.

But this expanded degree program goes even further. It also trains students in solid leadership principles so that they are well-equipped to lead any kind of research or investigation team. This leadership training is also valuable in the business world and will enhance your job or career.

Primary Doctoral Degree is: (will be printed on your Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral diplomas)

Doctor of Metaphysical Humanistic Science

Specializing in: (will be printed on your Master's and Doctoral diplomas. Choose one)

Paranormal Science Leadership MHs.D or PhD

Anomalous Research Leadership MHs.D or PhD

Parapsychology Leadership MHs.D or PhD

Ufology Leadership MHs.D or PhD

Cryptozoology Leadership MHs.D or PhD

Hominology Leadership MHs.D or PhD

You will earn the following certifications/designations in this Expanded Degree Program:

  • CPI (Certified Paranormal Investigator)

  • CCI (Certified Cryptozoological Investigator)

  • CLPI (Certified Leading Paranormal Investigator)

  • CET (Certified EVP Technician)

These designations can be used after your name, example: Jane Doe, PhD, CPI, CCI, CLPI, CET. Laminated photo ID badges for all 4 certifications are also included.

19 Required Courses

Nineteen courses are required for a Bachelor's and Master's Degree. For a Doctoral degree, the Doctoral Degree Assignment is required. The courses below have been pre-determined for this specific degree. More information about each course is provided on the Course Descriptions page or the IMHS Catalog. Students are also free to take additional courses beyond the 19 required to graduate if desired.

  1. MHs.B1: The Nature of Metaphysics

  2. MHs.B2: Metaphysical Self-Mastery

  3. MHs.B3: Metaphysical Intercommunication

  4. MHs.B4: Metaphysical Principles of Enhanced Relationships

  5. MHs.B5: Metaphysical Critical Thinking and Self-Direction

  6. MHs.M2-1: Advanced Metaphysical Concepts Course 1

  7. MHs.M2-2: Advanced Metaphysical Concepts Course 2

  8. MHs.M3: Metaphysical Psychology

  9. MHs.M4: Metaphysical Arts of Success

  10. MHs.M7: Developing Your Innate Psychic and Intuitive Powers

  11. MHs.M9: Mystical Philosophy and Holistic Arts

  12. MHs.M16-1: Paranormal Science Course 1

  13. MHs.M16-2: Paranormal Science Course 2

  14. MHs.M18-1: Forensic Anomalous Evidence Analysis and Collection Course 1

  15. MHs.M18-2: Forensic Anomalous Evidence Analysis and Collection Course 2

  16. MHs.M19-1: Starting and Leading an Anomalous Research Team Course 1

  17. MHs.M19-2: Starting and Leading an Anomalous Research Team Course 2

  18. MHs.M24: Cryptozoology

  19. MHs.M29: Certified EVP Technician Course

  • MHs.D1: Doctoral Degree Assignment (review of what you learned in the program. It is our version of a dissertation)

Course Descriptions page

